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« I'm out - but it's not all good news | Main | Home soon »

July 30, 2006


Johan A

I'm sorry you're having such a shitty time. I'm glad you find the time to give us an update now and then, though. If you're feeling well enough by Octocon, you'll have to get a fetching hat!


You are in our thoughts everyday. I hope things start to look up for you soon.

Eoin Kennedy

Hi David,
A lot of people have been asking me about how you are keeping so even though you dont hear the voices you are in a lot of people thoughts. Remember Captain Picard has done for a lot baldness - from one who knows.

Paul Mckinley.

Sounds like you've been having an *especially* crap time the last few weeks and while I know it's of no practical help whatsoever (that's what 100 years of medical science is for) I have to echo Eoin's comment above - there's an ocean of folks out here thinking of you and wishing you well.


David, I'm sorry that you're having a hard time of it. You're in my thoughts. Best of luck with the ongoing treaments, and I'm sure in the long run they will be worth it.

Juliet E McKenna

Irrespective of how often you can post updates here, you do know that you're in the thoughts of an awful lot of people on a pretty much daily basis, don't you? Of course you do. Hugs and sympathies and all that kindathing - Jules

Liam Proven

Right behind ya, kid. (And everyone else's good wishes here.) Pádráig's been sending me periodic updates, too. Good luck.

Term papers

We really miss you thanks for the lovely post keep posting..!

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