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June 16, 2006


Kevin Standlee

Thanks for the update. That sounds pretty rough, but it also sounds like you're getting good care. My thoughts are with you.

Pádraig Ó Méalóid

Sorry to hear it's going to take so long. I posted something about you on various LJ sites (anonymousclaire & smoifa, as well as my own LJ), and lots of people send their best wishes to you. Do you want a list, or will you be able to find them yourself? Links below, anyway, just in case...

Bernie Goldbach

Best wishes, Dave. We wonder if you brought an iPod or CD player with you.


Hang in there, David, we are missing your company out here, and hopefully you will get stronger soon and be able to have that operation. Sorry to hear you are not up to having a visitor or two, but you know best. Save your strength to fight this. Best wishes from all of us.


Very best wishes Dave!

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